Furnishings Fund

Help furnish a resident's apartment!
Help make a new resident’s apartment feel like home by contributing our Furnishings Fund. This valuable fund provides residents a resource to purchase essential furniture and home goods requested by our residents.
It can seem like a miracle when new units for previously homeless people are created. While it feels good to give people the keys to their very own apartment, it is hard to declare victory if residents don’t have a bed or a microwave oven. Hearth aims to house our residents with dignity; it is integral to our mission. For each of our residents to thrive, they need both a roof over their head and household essentials.
For more information about ways to give, that include IRA’s, Stock, or Donor Advised Funds, email Dylan Curtis, Development Associate dcurtis@hearth-home.org or call 617-369-1565.
Cynthia at the Anna Bissonnette House