Hearth, Inc – ending elder homelessness | Thank You For Your Gift

You make all the difference!

Your donation to Hearth helps us serve over 500 elders in need each year, including successfully moving seniors from shelters and the streets into permanent housing, preventing homelessness for elders at-risk of homelessness, and providing supports to our 188 residents, as needed, to keep them safely and permanently housed.

Demand for our services is growing, but Hearth continues to find ways to address the needs of the people we serve. From raising awareness about the issue, to working to create more service-enriched affordable housing, Hearth is proud of the continued success of our programs and our leadership in the field. 

We continue to hold fast to our belief that we can end homelessness.  It is achievable thanks in large part to partners like you.

Thank you for your compassionate concern for our elders.


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